

Publicat: 22-04-2024 | Ultima actualizare: 17-05-2024 08:05:13

I am a sociable and cheerful extroverted sensual woman I like to explore new things and learn more every day

Ce ma excita: I like to be choked I like to be tied up I like to see how they get horny for me I like to pose for the camera
jugar modelar explorar ver pel culas escuchar m sica etc que me excita sexualmente ser dominada usar todo mi cuerpo para explorarte y complacerte Soy bueno sexualmente y en la vida por todo lo que ofrezco en mi vida y en la cama

Ce ma enerveaza: I dislike or turn off that they want to make me feel less than or that they treat me in a bad way

Varsta: 19 ani

Orientare sexuala: heterosexual

Inaltime: 160

Greutate: 47

Etnie: Latin

Culoarea ochilor: Chestnut


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